
Carrara region where our Arrabescato marble is sourced locally for the Veia coffee tables - Veiana


Above the town of Carrara in Toscany, the Apuan Alps hold some of the most prestigious marbles in the world. Due to the long history of the region starting with the Ancient Romans 2’000 years ago and Michelangelo in the 15th century, it developed into an international hub for marble and not only with stones from Carrara. Over time, a high number of stonemasons settled in the area satisfying the high demand of clients worldwide for their remarkable stones and artworks.

We value the high quality and great variety that can be sourced from Carrara and embrace the experience which was carried over generations in the area. Located just 500km away from Zurich, Carrara offers us high flexibility and especially short transportation ways.

The area is definitely worth a visit if you are around and want to feel the importance of this wonderful stone for Tuscany – a tour through the mountains and one of the more than 200 quarries will leave a remarkable impression.