Veiana was founded out of our passion for creating furniture for our own home and the dream to publish our own interior design line. We wanted to prove to ourselves that by combining this passion with the right mindset we are able to create a unique brand that will brighten your life and home.
The Veiana journey started in Portugal – Diana’s home country – with Lucinda and her husband producing the first Veiana coffee marble table for our own home. We are forever grateful for the insights they provided us on the industry and the inspiration they brought and out of this collaboration was born the first batch out of Veia marble coffee tables. Despite the undiscussable quality, we had to broaden our portfolio elsewhere in order to scale up the business and reduce emissions caused by the transport. We then decided to source our marble directly from its home in Carrara, Italy – just like Michelangelo. Not only does the beauty of Italian marble compliment perfectly our portfolio but we also enjoy the Dolce Vita our Italian suppliers bring to our lives.
Veiana comes from the Portuguese word veia (eng.: vein) and as veins are an essential part of our body – we hope our work becomes an essential part of your home too.